Tuesday, September 7, 2021


SPEECH OF SENATE PRESIDENT TITO SOTTO Announcement of Candidacy for Vice President September 8, 2021

My beloved fellow Filipinos,

I am here today, as your public servant, to face the challenges of our time as your candidate for Vice President of the country.

But most of all, I come to you to ask for your trust: trust that our nation will rise again, trust that there will be hope again; your firm belief that together, we will be able to restore our trust in our country, the Philippines.

We face serious problems:

A failed economy;

Prevalence and increase of COVID-19 cases nationwide;

Widespread corruption;

Suffering of Filipinos.

And as always, the ordinary people, the destitute, the poor, and those who are experiencing great hardships.

But the more serious problem is the loss of hope. Hope is something we should never ever lose.

Many of us do not know whom to trust, or what to believe anymore.

Perhaps, we have come to the point where we can no longer ignore what is happening – to our government, to our economy.

Enough! We need to respond! We need to take action! We need to work together to prevent and correct mistakes. This is the beginning.

We are here before you because of our love for our native land.

Because we believe in you, our countrymen; Because we want to sow the seeds of hope to the heart and mind of every Filipino; Because we know that this is our last chance to do what is right to save the future of today’s generation and the generations to come. But more than that, we are here because we believe that if we work together, we will succeed.

We promise that we will not stop this fight until the order of our country is restored. That’s a promise!

And when we make a promise, we will never break it!

This is not about Lacson and Sotto. It’s about you.

You are the ones whom we want to serve. The ones who keep mum. The simple and ordinary citizens. Senator Lacson and I are here for the bright future you truly deserve. In a way that will not go through corruption, but will eradicate corruption! In a manner that will not transgress the law and order, but is based on law and discipline!

This is the reason why we are centered on trust.

Only when there is trust will a society flourish. Trust in their institutions. Trust in the Judiciary. Trust in the Police. Trust in Government. Trust in the leaders. Trust in citizens. Trust in each other. Not corrupt.

This is what we are serving. This is our battle: To change the system!

We need a nation that values morality.

The people are tired of living in darkness – in a life without a vision of a good future they aspire for themselves and for the country.

There is a saying, “it is darkest before dawn.” With the help and guidance of God the Father, our dear Lord, and through our collective efforts, our beloved Philippines will soon see the light.

Thank you very much! Long live the Philippines!


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