Sunday, October 17, 2021

An AIM Classmate's comment on Kim Henares' post. For consideration of LACSON-SOTTO Strategists.

I too favored Ping, among the rumored and cast options, such as BBM, MP, SD,ST, IM. Reading your post, I am further enlightened and agree with the issues and concerns Kim articulated. Quite frankly, I also see these issues and concerns, shared by Leni. While I see both candidates in agreement on these issues, what I saw with Ping is the ability to be strong handed and to lead, by fear and unpopularity, if necessary. On the other hand, I see in Leny the ability to lead, not so much by fear and discipline, which I feel will be necessary at times, but by love and affection, which we saw with Cory, but had not been effective otherwise when fear and discipline were necessary. I believe that Leni saw this as well and tried to work with Ping. But as she declared afterwards, they differed in process and methodology, without explaining further. I suspect they differed in Leni's stress on inclusivity and listening, versus Ping's willingness to be less of both, that Leni decided to cast her own candidacy.

But as Kim said, we all are entitled to vote our conscience. I just hope and pray that we ALL do, rather than either swayed by non-sense, twinkle eye fairy tale, cinderella euhporia. nor blindness to history.



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