Thursday, October 21, 2021


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Wednesday, October 20, 2021

  On the DOJ Review of the Anti-Drug War

October 21, 2021 - In the pursuit of any criminal investigation, there is only one rule that applies. It is called the rule on evidence which should be bound by the rule of law.

Once such evidence is clearly established to warrant the filing of criminal information against identified suspects, there is no other course of action for the Department of Justice to pursue but to take those cases to their logical conclusion, no matter the consequences.

That being said, the role of the DOJ is crucial in showing the community of nations in general and the International Criminal Court in particular that as a civilized, democratic country, we can independently and responsibly hold criminally accountable our law enforcement officers - and their superiors, if the evidence so warrants - when they commit excesses in the performance if their sworn duties.

And the total war against drugs should not be an exception.


 Lacson Details Overpriced Equipment Inside DOH-Procured Ambulances

October 20, 2021 - Inside the ambulances procured by the Department of Health (DOH) with an overprice of P1 million each are overpriced equipment ranging from automated external defibrillators (AEDs) to mobile phones, dashboard cameras and stretchers.

Sen. Panfilo M. Lacson bared these on Wednesday, even as he reiterated his call to the DOH to use public funds more judiciously.

"These are public funds. I augmented the budget of the Health Facilities Enhancement Program (HFEP) to comply with the Universal Health Care Law. Somehow I feel guilty when I see overpricing," Lacson said at the DOH's 2022 budget hearing.

"Sana man lang maging judicious tayo sa paggastos ng public funds (We just hope the DOH would be judicious in using public funds)," he added.

He noted the DOH submitted prices for two mobile phones with SIM cards for Region 4A at P30,000 but the local government units bought phones with similar specifications for only P7,998. "Ang laki ng discrepancy (The discrepancy is huge)," Lacson said.

Also, Lacson said the DOH procured dashboard cameras for P15,000 each but the retail prices for such items were only P4,500 each - a P10,500 difference.

Meanwhile, the DOH procured stretchers at P23,800 each when the items were worth P21,200 each.

On the other hand, the DOH procured AEDs at P165,000 each for Region 4A, when the retail prices of such equipment stood at P96,500 - a P68,000 markup.

"These are the things we want explained by the Department para hindi na maulit (We want the DOH to explain these so this will not happen again)," Lacson said.

In response, DOH Secretary Francisco Duque III said Lacson was right. Duque said he has ordered his staff to look into it, adding he needed to do a "brand-to-brand comparison."

"Canvass namin ang actual brand and specifications. Yan ang ginawa namin para sigurado na. If you want, we can furnish you to aid you in your investigation (We canvassed the actual brand and specifications, to make sure. If you want, we can furnish these to you to aid you in your investigation)," Lacson replied.

Meanwhile, Lacson pushed for the inclusion of Special Risk Allowance-type assistance to outsourced personnel in their contracts, to make sure they are properly compensated.

"Siguro kung outsource ang hospitals advice namin isama sa contract nila ang parang SRA-type assistance to their personnel (Our advice to hospitals that outsource their personnel is to include in their contracts an SRA-type assistance)," he said.


A Lesson Learned on the Limitations of Virtual Hearings

October 20, 2021 - In hindsight, before a motion to cite a resource person for contempt and a subsequent arrest-and-detain order is issued, a team from the Office of the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms (OSAA) should already be deployed to effect the arrest of the said individuals.

That said, we lost the element of surprise and even telegraphed our move to the person/s concerned. This is one of the limitations of a virtual hearing, and a lesson we must learn from.


 Pagpinaghalo Ang Kulay
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Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Opposition infighting cancelling out Isko Moreno and Leni Robredo camps, paving the way for either a Marcos or Lacson win

Too much drama in the Opposition camp. The way Boo Chanco tells it in his PhilSTAR piece “Keep focused” smacks of historical revisionism. According to Chanco, the Reds “tricked” Cory into releasing them after she “ousted” Marcos. He should he call them out for what they really are — political opportunists prostituting their organizations. Their release was the reason why the Reform the Armed Forces Movement (RAM) went against the administration just a couple of months after February 1986 which began the string of coup attempts against Cory.

Chanco claims the Reds went for Gringo Honasan and Ping Lacson in 2004 but this is false. The Reds hold RAM responsible for the killings of Rolando Olalia and Lean Alejandro. Lacson was under Col. Rolly Abadilla at the Military Intelligence and Security Group (MISG). What Chanco doesn’t mention is the Reds gained ground under the administration of Fidel Ramos with the peace talks and the passage of the enabling law for party-list representatives which the Reds exploited to the hilt and gave rise to the Makabayan Bloc in the House of Representatives. President Joseph “Erap” Estrada forged a broad coalition in 1998 with Boy Morales and Edicio De La Torre representing the Reds. They dumped Erap for Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (GMA) and dumped GMA again for Noynoy Aquino. But Akbayan had the upper hand as Ronald Llamas became Political Affairs Adviser of PNoy. In 2010, they coalesced with the Nacionalistas and ran together with Bongbong Marcos for the Senate. Come 2016, they went for Grace Poe and Neri Colmenares was in the same slate as Isko Moreno.

Chanco tries very hard to justify the Senate slate of Leni Robredo but fails. If the basis is the lesser evil then it should comes down to the NPC-Reporma-NUP-UNA coalition, some of whose candidates have been adopted by Robredo. Why vote for the Pinklawans when the Lacson – Tito Sotto tandem is more organized and has a better platform compared to Robredo and her ilk who still continue to stumble in the dark despite her being Vice-President for the past five years? Voters who are neither pro-Opposition or pro-Administration will consider first the Lacson-Sotto ticket. Surveys haven’t really focused on this niche at all but it is growing. Another consideration is the fact that the 21-45 demographic, which is 40 million strong were born between 2001 – 1977. Those who are 45 were nine years old when Marcos was ousted so they grew up under the Yellows. Those who are 21 were born the year GMA became President. They came of mind during the PNoy administration and as adults under the present administration. For sure, they have witnessed the stark difference in governance.

It’s not likely probable also that this demographic will go for Isko even if he comes from it for the simple reason that those in the upper range will question his ability to lead and govern given his experience and track record. But, as it is, the bickering is inside the Robredo camp and that of Isko, and between the two. The net effect is they are cancelling each other out even before the official campaign period begins. The opposition might as well be branded as the That’s Entertainment group because that’s all they’re good for. The men get separated from the boys and, the way it’s looking, it will be a race between Senators Lacson and Marcos. This is actually more beneficial to the public became there will be no bickering, mudslinging and black propaganda. It will be an issues-based campaign between two gentlemen, which is actually the kind of politics we need.


Traditional Opposition REALLY worried as disastrous fiascos under Leni Robredo leadership strengthen’s Lacson-Sotto 2022 bid

The Opposition appears egregiously divided among the ideological purists and the political pragmatists. Amang Rodriguez said politics is addition. How can the opposition win if they do not know how to add? John Nery’s column today, “Warning: Lacson”, comes on the heels of the latest public relations fiasco of Vice-President Leni Robredo which she herself lit because of the answer she gave her co-anchor on her Sunday radio program, as to why she rejected Sen. Ping Lacson’s “unification formula.” He is clearly worried. On the Lacson – Tito Sotto tandem’s play for a centrist positioning that is “neither pro nor anti” Duterte, he is “certain that this move to the center will play well with many voters”.

Yesterday, Robredo’s disastrous posturing was still in the news cycle which prompted Senate President Tito Sotto to tweet a screenshot taken by his Chief of Staff, showing that it was the Robredo camp which approached him by way of a text message from Robredo’s Chief of Staff to his, in order to negate the impression given by Robredo that the Lacson-Sotto tandem approached her and not the other way around.

The problem with the Opposition is that time is running out and so are their options at putting up a credible candidate against the administration. Former Ambassador Rigoberto Tiglao, in his column yesterday, pointed to the possible death of democracy in the country because of the asinine manner with which the Opposition under Robredo has been conducting itself in the past five years. Both Lacson and Sotto issued polite but obviously piqued statements in reaction to Robredo’s latest boo-boo. Both expressed disappointment because the proposal was shot down immediately during the meeting. Short of accusing Robredo of acting in bad faith, the two said that they expected the proposal to be thought over and then discussed again. In short, the unification formula wasn’t a take-it-or-leave-it proposition. Lacson added that he just rose to the challenge seeing as how the Vice-President also met with Sen. Dick Gordon over a possible alliance for the 2022 polls.

Nery is again using Lacson’s record as a Constabulary officer at the defunct Metrocom Intelligence and Security Group under Col. Rolando Abadilla and his posting as chief of Task Force Habagat under the Presidential Anti-Crime Commission against him. It’s clear that the public are behind this given that Lacson has been elected to Senate each time he ran and won convincingly. Nery even admits to the promise in Lacson’s “positioning himself as ‘Heneral ng Bayan,’ the People’s General” considering how the “Duterte campaign in 2016 proved that an entire presidential run can rest on the peace and order issue, even though, at best, it ranks only seventh in the list of voters’ concerns”. Nery goes on to compare Lacson with former President Joseph “Erap” Estrada and his bid for the Presidency in 2010 when there is nothing in common between former subordinate and superior. Estrada was out for vindication in 2010. If Cory did not pass away in 2009, Erap would’ve established another record for being the only candidate who ran for President twice and won. Lacson’s case is different because he is offering himself as an alternative to the public given the dearth of credible candidates. He could easily win reelection to the Senate but chose to rise up to the challenge, as he himself put it, because it is his political valedictory.

Lacson and Sotto are both 73 years old. They would be 79 at the end of their six-year term if they are successful. Contrast this with the Vice-President who is only 56. In a way, Lacson and Sotto are giving the political pragmatists among the public a choice; would they prefer more of the same under a Duterte or Marcos Presidency, or would they opt for a measure of change if they vote for Lacson and Sotto? In essence, the Lacson-Sotto tandem is keeping democracy alive in the country as opposed to what the traditional opposition under Robredo is doing.


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Lacson: DPWH's Proposed 2022 Budget Shows Devolution Only on Paper

October 19, 2021 - The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)'s compliance with the Supreme Court and Malacañang's directives to devolve certain functions - and funds - to the local government units for 2022 may be good only on paper, Sen. Panfilo M. Lacson bared Tuesday.

Lacson noted that in the DPWH's proposed P686.1-billion budget for 2022, it is still the central office that handles funds for items and projects which should be devolved and implemented by LGUs.

"While 89 percent ang nawala sa Local Program, nag-increase ang Convergence and Special Support Program by 232 percent (While there was an 89-percent decrease from funds for local programs, there was an increase of 232 percent for convergence and special support programs)," he said at the hearing for the DPWH's 2022 budget.

"They are compliant on paper but in reality they are not complying. That’s my point," he added.

Lacson noted the DPWH appears at first glance to be compliant with the Supreme Court's Mandanas Ruling by decreasing its budget for local programs by 88.9 percent, with the assumption that the programs and funds will be handled by the LGUs.

He also pointed out that the 2021 budget item entitled "Various Infrastructure Including Local Projects" (VILPs) is no longer present under the DPWH FY 2022 budget to comply with the devolution efforts. Yet, projects of the same nature are lodged under their program, "Convergence and Special Support Program," which had a 232-percent increase.

"Different nomenclature but exactly the same program... Nothing is being devolved here," he said, adding his scrutiny showed the actual budget decrease for the DPWH was only 5.8 percent.

Lacson also questioned the DPWH officials present on the role of LGUs in the planning phase of all these programs under the DPWH's operations budget.

"What participation did they have in the preparation of the 2022 budget under these Programs, Activities and Projects?" he said.

Meanwhile, Lacson - who has championed the needs and priorities of the local government units - reiterated the Supreme Court's Mandanas Ruling should be a very good opportunity for LGUs to be technically capacitated.

"The LGUs should actively participate concerning local PAPs. It is now the time to activate the local development councils because alam natin over the past years masyadong centrally managed ang infrastructure projects ng national government (It is the time to activate the local development councils because over the past years, infrastructure projects of have been centrally managed by the national government)," he said.

"Very little if at all ang participation ng LGUs. This is an opportune time to be compliant with the SC ruling and EO 138 issued by President Duterte," he added.


Monday, October 18, 2021

 FROM Claudyn Caparon Post:

Let me share with you an emotional weather report— a very personal account of WHY I WILL VOTE FOR PING LACSON.

Got some free time and I thought I have to say my piece about the loads of messages I’ve been receiving lately— some out of courtesy for supporting Presidential bets different from mine; most of them, to quiz me. With a very few exceptions, I accord respect to everyone’s opinions. Afterall, this season in politics is very personal and emotional for all of us. Rightly so, as we have never been more distressed with our lot in life since 2016.
Hence, for whatever it’s worth, let me tell you about my Presidential candidate:

One, HE RESPECTS WOMEN AND ALL GENDER IDENTITIES. He is first call out wimps for insensitive remarks about women and LGBTQ+. For those who know me, this matter is a non-negotiable. Gladly and rightfully, I have never felt slighted nor wronged under his watch.

Two, HE LISTENS—INTENTLY AND DISCERNINGLY. He takes opinions from experts and common tao, saying public office should always be participative. He crunches numbers and data like it’s a breeze. But most importantly, siya yung classmate mo na nag-aaral at nagsusunog ng kilay para prepared sa quiz at recitation.

Three—HE’S TOUGH, BUT HE IS FAIR. He never tolerates wrongdoing— especially when it involves money. When he raises an issue, he backs it up with sheer proof and castigates people who raise “chismis” without credible and verifiable evidence. He doesn’t discriminate when calling out erring government officials. Explains why he is not a “popular candidate”. He may have few friends in Congress because he never puts up with even a whiff of corruption, even considered an odd one, but he sure is respected. He is first to investigate abuse in power and forefront in exposing the brouhaha of this administration. Tells us that he won’t be manipulated or played up by anyone.

Four— HE NEVER ABUSED HIS POWER. He hates wangwang, dismisses bevy of entourage, and veers away from asking favors for his benefit. He pays his due even if everyone volunteers to take care of the bill, never uses his name to advance personal interests of friends, and hates asking for personal favors. He is not beholden to anyone. That’s for sure.

Finally, HE IS UNDERRATED— FOR A REASON. Primarily because he hates peddling himself on TV, name-bearing ayuda, media frenzy when he’s doing his work. That he hates the phalanx of cameras and traditional politics put him in contrast with others who never shy away from TV bonanza. Sa mga tanong na “ano ba nagawa nyan” at “hindi naman bumababa si Ping sa mga komunidad” — wala man laging kasunod na cameraman, I can sincerely tell you that he has done more than enough (hindi lang epal).

A disclaimer: I have worked with Senator Lacson since 2014 when I signed up for a writing stint for Yolanda rehab. This post is not asked of me—I just believe he deserves a fair share of an honest and personal account of his person in the midst of this crazy, crazy world.

All told, I pray that we all have a good run this election. Let’s elevate the discourse and be respectful — to each other and to our country. Tayo dapat ang panalo, hindi sinumang politiko. #weneedaleader2022

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Lacson to DSWD: Prioritize Capacitating of 5th, 6th-Class Towns

dswd 2022

October 19, 2021 - Sen. Panfilo M. Lacson on Monday urged the Department of Social Welfare and Development to prioritize fifth- and sixth-class municipalities in its Technical Assistance and Resource Augmentation (TARA) program.

Lacson said this would help ensure that the DSWD is able to maximize its funds for the program while benefiting the local government units that need assistance most.

"One criterion na naisip ko, i-prioritize siguro fifth- and sixth-class municipalities kesa first-class municipalities, kasi hindi na siguro kailangan, technically capacitated na sila (One criterion I can think of is to prioritize assistance to the fifth and sixth-class municipalities. First-class municipalities likely do not need the assistance as much as they are already technically capacitated)," he said at the Senate hearing on the DSWD's budget for 2022.

He also sought clarification why the TARA continues to provide technical assistance yearly to 1,240 municipalities since 2015.

Technical Assistance includes activities through which the DSWD imparts technical and organizational skills and knowhow to a local government unit, another agency or organization, groups or individuals - especially where the latter seek for such - with the aim of standardizing and upgrading the delivery of basic social services.

Lacson shared his experience as Presidential Assistant on Rehabilitation and Recovery (PARR) where his office helped technically capacitate 171 cities and towns affected by Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) - where those who were given assistance graduated from the Development Academy of the Philippines after a number of years.

He acknowledged the financial assistance extended at the time by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through then Mission Director Gloria Steele to OPARR that made possible the enrollment and graduation of more than 160 development and community planning officers of the LGUs devastated by typhoon Yolanda.

"Siguro kung itong P1.121 bilyon taun-taon, marami na kayo napa-graduate ng masteral kesa capacitate sa pamamagitan ng training (With your P1.121-billion budget per year, you should have produced graduates with masteral degrees instead of only capacitating them with training)," he said at Monday's hearing.

Lacson, who continues to advocate the empowerment of local government units to carry out development projects, also stressed that it would be better if the TARA was need-driven rather than demand-driven.

Citing historical data, Lacson said the TARA had a budget of P632 million in 2016; P756 million in 2017; P891 million in 2018; P970 million in 2019; P979 million in 2020; and P1 billion for 2021.

"Hindi natin kinu-question pero baka hindi na-attain ang tunay na objectives. Hindi ba result-driven ito (I am not questioning the TARA itself, but with this current approach, are we meeting our objectives? Should this not be result-driven)?" he said.


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