Thursday, March 31, 2022







5-9 SA 2022

Lacson won’t prevent Sotto from joining Pacquiao rallies

MANILA, Philippines — Presidential bet Senator Panfilo Lacson has no problems with his running mate, Senate President Vicente Sotto III, joining the campaign rallies of Senator Manny Pacquiao, another presidential hopeful.

“I will not prevent SP Sotto from attending any of Manny Pacquiao’s rallies as long as he (Sotto) endorses only me,” Lacson told reporters in a press conference in Zamboanga del Norte on Thursday.

Earlier, Pacquiao’s own running mate, House Deputy Speaker Lito Atienza, said he is “very seriously” considering dropping out of the vice presidential race.

Atienza then expressed hopes that Lacson would withdraw his bid for the presidency to let Pacquiao and Sotto team-up.

Lacson rejected this but said any endorsement for Sotto would be welcome.

“Anything that will boost his (Sotto) candidacy, I’m all for it. Kung meron maga-adopt sa kanya as their vice presidential candidate, so be it, I will welcome it because I know where he stands, I know where I stand,” he added.

Pacquiao had also earlier said that he is not ruling out the possibility of adopting Sotto as his vice president should Atienza back out.

“Sabi naman ng aking ka-tandem (Atienza) na kung may mapili man siya na kung sakaling hindi niya kaya ay gusto niya si Sotto na pwedeng dalhin as VP,” Pacquiao had said.

(My running mate told me that if he would choose someone to replace him, should he no longer wish to continue, it would be Sotto.)


 Lacson nixes Atienza’s call to drop presidential bid: ‘He should go back to school, study GMRC’

MANILA, Philippines — Presidential candidate Senator Panfilo Lacson on Thursday rejected the call of vice presidential bet Lito Atienza for him to withdraw from the May 9 elections.

Lacson maintained he will not abandon his presidential bid.

“I reject his call. For the nth time, I’ll finish this race and I’m not backing out. I would suggest that Lito Atienza should go back to school and study GMRC (Good Manners and Right Conduct), which law I authored. Kaya binalik natin yung GMRC sa elementary school para bumalik yung values ng mga Pilipino (The reason we put back the GMRC subject in elementary schools is to ensure the return of Filipino values.),” Lacson told reporters in a press conference in Zamboanga del Norte.

“Who is he to tell me to withdraw? Wala siyang personality, I’m not backing out, ilang beses ko nang sinabi yan,” Lacson added.

Lacson also said that telling another candidate to withdraw is “insulting.”

“That’s kabastusan(disrespectful)  to say the least. For somebody like him na mas matanda pa sa akin na magsasabing mag-backout ang isang kandidato without even consulting, that’s insulting,” he added.

Earlier, Atienza said he is seriously considering dropping out of the vice presidential race. 

He added that he is “hoping and praying” that Lacson would do the “self-sacrificing act” of withdrawing from the race so that his running mate, vice presidential bet Senate President Vicente Sotto III, can possibly team up with another presidential candidate, Senator Manny Pacquiao.

Pacquiao is Atienza’s running mate.

When asked about what he thinks of Pacquiao endorsing Sotto’s vice presidential bid should Atienza back out, Lacson said he welcomes “anything that will boost” the Senate president’s candidacy.

Lacson also has no problem with Sotto joining Pacquiao in his campaign activities.

“I will not prevent SP Sotto from attending any of Manny Pacquiao’s rallies as long as he (Sotto) endorses only me,” he added.


On Rep. Atienza's Call to Withdraw from the Presidential Race

March 31, 2022 - For the nth time, I will finish this race and I am not backing out. I reject the call of Rep. Jose Atienza for me to withdraw from the presidential race.

What he did is uncalled for - kabastusan, to say the least. He should go back to school and study Good Manners and Right Conduct, which law I co-authored.

That being said, I reiterate that we should not waste our votes on "survey politics" - we should choose a leader who is the most qualified and competent, not the one dictated by surveys.

Instead of thinking we will waste our votes on those who are qualified but not leading in the surveys, we should remember that it would be a bigger waste if we select the wrong leader who turns out to be less competent.


Lacson-Sotto tandem nais mabulgar ang padrino ng smuggled na gulay

Nanawagan ang tambalang Ping Lacson at Tito Sotto sa tanggapan ng Pangulo na kumilos para labanan ang smuggling ng gulay at iba pang produktong pang-agrikultura. Anila, dapat mabulgar kung sino ang umano'y padrino ng mga smuggler.


Lacson: Don't Waste Votes on 'Survey Mentality'

March 31, 2022 - It is high time that Filipino voters junk the "survey mentality" of voting for a leader based on his or her standings in the surveys - and instead vote for who they think is the most competent and most qualified, to ensure a better Philippines for the future generation.

This was the call of independent presidential aspirant Sen. Panfilo "Ping" M. Lacson Wednesday as he said the biggest waste of votes is not in voting for someone not leading in the surveys yet is competent and qualified, but in voting for someone "winnable" but turned out to less qualified.

Lacson cited information reaching him indicating recent surveys showing that while he had only 2 percent "hard votes," he had an average of 40 percent "soft votes" where he is being considered by many voters but who are hesitating to vote for him because he was not leading in the surveys.

The "soft votes" according to the latest Laylo survey showed that Lacson and his Vice Presidential bet Senate President Vicente "Tito" Sotto III have up to 57% in Class E or the "masa"; 45% in urban areas and 42% in rural areas; 43% among both male and female voters; 43% among those aged 18-34, 42% among those aged 35-54, and 45% among those aged 55 and up.

"Based sa feedback na nakukuha namin sa Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, ganoon ang sinasabi. Gusto namin ang Lacson-Sotto tandem. Sila ang competent, qualified at may kakayahan. Gusto namin sana sila iboto (Based on the feedback I get from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, many voters wanted to vote for the Lacson-Sotto tandem because they believe we are competent and qualified)," Lacson said after a courtesy call on Mayor Isabelle "Beng" Climaco-Salazar in Zamboanga City.

He said Filipinos should learn to decide for themselves instead of succumbing to the survey or bandwagon mentality, lest they waste their votes by not voting for someone who is most competent, most qualified, most experienced, and with the highest integrity in public service.

"Kung pipili tayo, dapat karapat-dapat. Hindi ang palagay ng marami ay mananalo. After all, lalong sayang ang boto ninyo kung ang pipiliin nyo ang alam ninyong hindi karapat-dapat dahil alam nyo lang yan ang mananalo. Hindi ba mas sayang ang botong ganoon (We should base our choices on who is the most competent and qualified, instead of who is believed to be the most winnable. After all, isn't it more a waste of votes if you vote for someone leading in the surveys but lacks competence)?" he added.

For his part, senatorial bet Manny Piñol chided some voters for thinking that they would waste their votes on someone who is qualified but not leading in the surveys.

"Lalong masasayang ang kinabukasan ng ating bansa kung di tamang leader ang ating iboto. Huwag tayo makipagsabayan sa makulay at maingay na rally (It will be a bigger waste for our future if we vote for the wrong leaders. Let's not vote merely based on appearances or rallies)," he said.


Nabuhayan instead of napilayan: Lacson feels rejuvenated in first sortie after leaving Reporma

MANILA, Philippines — Independent presidential bet Sen. Panfilo “Ping” Lacson felt revitalized in his first provincial sortie in Mindanao on Wednesday since parting ways with Partido Reporma.

“I’m surprised, it seems our campaign was rejuvenated. I feel unburdened especially after so many people came out and said they are supporting me. Most of the candidates in other areas joined Reporma because of me. When I asked them about their decision, they said they joined the party because they wanted to join me,” Lacson said in a mix of English and Tagalog, in a press conference in Zamboanga City.

“Parang nabuhayan instead na napilayan (My campaign feels more re-energized than crippled),” he added.

Only last March 24, Lacson left Reporma after members led by party president former Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez were shifted support to another candidate.

For his part, Lacson’s running mate, Senate President Vicente “Tito” Sotto III, said this shows their fighting spirit.

“We should have a fighting spirit, just like in sports. We need that spirit to fight for the one who we believe is more qualified and competent,” he said.

Lacson and Sotto conducted their sortie in Zamboanga City Wednesday. Joining them were senatoriables Minguita Padilla and Emmanuel Piñol.

They paid a courtesy call to Zamboanga City Mayor Beng Climaco before holding a town-hall meeting with representatives of various sectors.

Lacson appealed to voters to vote for those who they believe deserve to win because they are competent and not because they are “winnable.”

“It is a wrong notion to think your vote will be wasted on someone competent just because he is not topping the surveys. The bigger waste will be if we vote for someone who is doing well in the surveys but lacks the competence for the job ahead,” he said.


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Ping Lacson for President
Number 5 sa 5-9-2022!



Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Lacson Updates Presidential Campaign Slogan

March 29, 2022 - "We Have a Leader!"

This is the updated theme of independent presidential aspirant Sen. Panfilo "Ping" M. Lacson after parting ways with Partido Reporma.

In an interview Monday, Lacson said the slogan is a tweak from the "We Need a Leader" coined by former Speaker and Reporma president Pantaleon Alvarez, who is now backing another bet.

"Kung hindi na para sa akin yan since siya ang unang nag-concoct ng phrase 'We Need a Leader,' I might reconsider tweaking it. We’re going to adopt probably something like 'WE HAVE A LEADER.' Mas maganda di ba (If the WNAL phrase is no longer for me since it was Alvarez who first concocted it, I may reconsider tweaking it to 'We Have a Leader.' Isn't it much better)?" he said.

He added he has enough funding for the remainder of the campaign period - until May - as many friends continue to contribute to his cause.

Lacson also said his camp will tweak its messaging to overcome the notion of some voters that their votes could be wasted if they vote for him because of his survey numbers.

He said he will direct his messages to the voters instead of going through political leaders, some of whom are not happy with his strong stand against abuses of the pork barrel system.

"I’m directly banking on voters who will signify their intention to actually vote for me," he said.




The Lacson-Sotto Support Group in Negros Oriental, an umbrella organization of volunteer support groups campaigning for Ping Lacson has issued an official statement that there is no truth to reports Lacson has withdrawn from the presidential race.

Volunteers Prof. Jan Credo, Atty. Joshua Ablong and resigned Partido Reporma provincial coordinator Atty. Arturo Umbac Jr. stressed they will rally behind the candidacy of Lacson, who is now running as an independent up to the finish line, win or lose.

They said Lacson is the only presidentiable that merit their support and is still a strong contender for the position.

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Monday, March 28, 2022

Like Drugs, Carnapping: Lacson Pushes 2-Pronged Approach vs Agri Smuggling

March 28, 2022 - Citizens can play a role in curbing agricultural smuggling by making "citizens' arrests" against those selling smuggled vegetables and other agricultural products in the open market, applying the plain view doctrine, Sen. Panfilo "Ping" M. Lacson said Monday.

Lacson said this demand-reduction approach is part of the two-pronged strategy he suggested to stop the practice, which the Bureau of Customs and Department of Agriculture have not been able to address.

"Kung obvious na smuggled, huwag na tayo magturuan kasi may citizens arrest. Pwedeng kumpiskahin ng maski sino, humingi ng assistance from law enforcement (If you see that the vegetables are obviously smuggled, there's such a thing as citizens arrest. Any citizen can seize the items and they can seek assistance from law enforcement to do so)," Lacson said at the hearing of the Senate Committee of the Whole on the issue.

"Even as a plain citizen you can conduct arrests and call for the assistance of the authorities, ang pwede mag-file ng kaso, etc. (Even as a plain citizen you can conduct arrests and call for the assistance of authorities who can file the needed charges)," he added.

He said this approach is similar to the one he adopted against illegal drugs and carnapping when he headed the Philippine National Police from 1999 to 2001. This helped bring down criminality including carnapping and illegal drugs.

Lacson said such demand reduction is half of the strategy, with the other half being supply reduction where authorities seize smuggled vegetables before they leave the Customs facilities.

Otherwise, he said the vegetables would reach vendors who could unwittingly sell them.

"Kung two-pronged strategy ia-apply natin palagay ko di mag proliferate ang smuggled vegetables (If we apply this two-pronged strategy, smuggled vegetables won't proliferate)," he said.

Meanwhile, Lacson challenged the DA and Bureau of Customs to find ways to stop agricultural smuggling, which he said continues despite having supposedly stringent requirements for importers of agricultural products in getting accreditation and registration.

He cited information reaching him that some importers found engaged in wrongdoing are blacklisted merely changed their names and were accredited again.

"Ang hirap kunin ang requirements pero ang dali sa mga smugglers na lumusot (It is so hard for importers to comply with requirements, but it is so easy for smugglers to get past authorities)," he said.

In the meantime, he lamented that due to smuggling, "imagine how many kilos of carrots are given away for charity" because they cannot be sold, to the detriment of our local farmers.

"From BOC and DA, kindly convince us na walang milagrong nangyayari bakit may smuggled vegetables, meat and meat products. Kindly explain. Decades na, wala pa tayong solution. In the meantime our vegetable planters and hog raisers nagsa-suffer for decades and we allow that (From the BOC and DA, kindly convince us there is nothing fishy going on behind the continued smuggling of vegetables, meat and meat products. It's been decades but we have no solution to this yet. In the meantime our vegetable planters and hog raisers suffer and we allow that)," he added.

Lacson vowed not to stop questioning until he and fellow senators are satisfied with the BOC and DA's explanations. "Pag walang nangyayari, may kompromiso. Simple as that. So kindly look into that (If nothing is happening by way of a solution, there is a compromise. Simple as that. So kindly look into that)," he said.


Lacson: Why Was DA Help Lacking for ASF-Affected Communities in Cotabato Town?

March 28, 2022 - Why was the Department of Agriculture lacking in its help for communities affected by African Swine Fever (ASF) in Mlang town in Cotabato?

Sen. Panfilo "Ping" M. Lacson raised this question Monday after he and Senate President Vicente "Tito" Sotto III learned of the situation firsthand earlier this month.

"Ang nag-abono, local government unit, in the amount of P10.7 million. Magkano ang pondo ng DA sa ASF? Narito rin ang hog raisers, they will benefit to find out from DA anong nangyari sa funding sa ASF (LGUs had to shell out money to assist the affected hog raisers, amounting to P10.7 million How much in funds does the DA have to address ASF? Hog raisers will benefit if they find out what happened)," Lacson said at the hearing of the Senate Committee of the Whole on continued smuggling and other issues affecting agricultural products.

Citing a news report in January 2022, Lacson said the DA declared Mlang town in Cotabato a “red zone” after the ASF spread to 10 of its 37 villages. The municipal agriculture office reportedly depopulated at least 2,044 hogs from 430 hog raisers, valued at some P7 million, as of Dec. 23 last year.

Acting agriculturist Arlene Encarnacion attributed the spread of the swine disease to the poor observance of biosecurity protocols by piggery owners as well as the smuggling out of meat from ASF-infected hogs by backyard raisers and traders.

Lacson said he and Sotto learned of the plight of the LGU and local hog raisers in Mlang firsthand when they visited it last March 24. Teresa Engada, a member of Magalion Farmers Association, said the lack of ASF indemnification from the DA prompted the local government of Mlang to provide additional cash to at least cover their mounting losses from the ASF crisis.

Engada said they received P5,000 from the DA for each sow culled, while an additional P2,000 was provided by the local government unit of Mlang.

"Dahil helpless sila, ang nag-rescue LGU. Ang laki ng tama nila yet DA has no idea. Homework mo nga yan (Since the hog raisers were helpless, the LGUs helped. Yet it seems the DA has no idea. Do your homework)," Lacson told DA officials at the hearing.


Sunday, March 27, 2022

Lacson on Duterte’s 77th birthday: He was a morale booster during my ‘Kuratong Baleleng’ case

MANILA, Philippines — Senator Panfilo Lacson on Monday recalled how President Duterte, who is celebrating his 77th birth anniversary Monday, uplifted his morale during one of his most “difficult times” in connection with the “Kuratong Baleleng” rubout case.

“Happy 77th birthday Mr President. I wish you good health and peaceful life after noontime on June 30. We may have disagreed on several issues, even called each other out a few times, but I can never forget you were there for me in one of my difficult times in the distant past,” Lacson said in a tweet Monday.

 — PING LACSON (@iampinglacson) March 27, 2022

Lacson was referring to a time in the mid-1990s when the “Kuratong Baleleng” case was still pending.

“This was in the mid 90’s when former Pres FVR ordered me ‘restricted to camp’ in connection with the Kuratong Baleleng case which was then still pending,” Lacson told

During this time, Lacson said then Davao City Mayor Duterte invited him to the Kadayawan Festival as a special guest.

“When the restriction was about to be lifted, then Davao City Mayor Duterte came to me to uplift my morale by inviting me to be his special guest for the Kadayawan festival. ‘Pesteng yawa etong Manila’ he told me, ‘relax ka muna sa Davao. Special guest kita sa Kadayawan’ he added,” the senator said.

Lacson said he could not “forgect such show of support” from Duterte.

“Although it was a very simple gesture of morale support to someone like me who felt almost ‘down and out’ in my law enforcement career, for me I cannot forget such show of support from somebody like Mayor Duterte,” he added.

Since then, Lacson said he has considered the President a “friend” and surmised this was the reason why Duterte would sometimes become “sensitive” when the senator calls him out “over some issue-related disagreement.”

“He even went to see me in Kiangan Hall inside Camp Crame to extend his morale support and personal invitation. I went to Davao by the way,” Lacson said.

“Since then, I have considered him as a friend. Kaya siguro minsan sensitive siya when I would call him out over some issue-related disagreements. Baka tingin niya sa akin, walang utang na loob [He may think I don’t have a debt of gratitude],” he went on.

Lacson, along with other police officials and officers, were indicted for the murder of the alleged members of Kuratong Baleleng robbery gang on May 18, 1995.

Lacson used to lead Task Force Habagat of the defunct Presidential Anti-Crime Commission headed by then Vice President Joseph Estrada.


In 2013, the Supreme Court dismissed with finality the multiple murder case against Lacson.


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